Saturday, January 30, 2010


Well, due to the busy-ness of life, I was unable to get help with getting Japanese re-installed.
One of my AP teachers gave us homework before the new semester began. ><

On the other hand, I have come up with a name for my "fail-dub" account.
It's Sogone Kotori. A little bird who can't sing.

A girl who's appearance is decieving. She is actually an unkown, older age, but appears to be 15. She is Taer's and Shizu's boss.
She wears her hair in a black ponytail, hence "the girl with the black ponytail".
She has heterochromia, one eye is blue, the other is purple.
She doesn't have eyebrows, as she isn't human. And she is relatively flat chested.
She always wears some form of sleeve.
Her clothes are a white long jacket, a purple v neck top, with a blue undershirt, and a grey-blue tank top like shirt on top of her other two shirts. White pants and shoes.
She also wears an armband that's half black and half white. There's a strange symbol on it.
She enjoys singing, although she really sucks at it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I am well aware that Shizu doesn't sing fast well.
My computer still has issues. I can't get help until Friday.

I have UTAU installed, but her voicebank won't load. I get seven, maybe eight, notes to work. (TT.TT)

I wish I knew exactly which disks I needed to get Japanese re-installed.
Hurry up, weekend.
Finals, be over soon please.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Shizu's info.

So, Shizu's code/model number is "13". I guess it could accurately read "14" too.
13 = unlucky in US
14 = unlucky in China
She tends to find good luck when everyone else is unlucky.

Plus, she's the 14th Multilingual UTAUloid on the wikia page.
"13" looks like "B", which is an important letter to me.

Shizu is a fan of Gakupo. It's something like "I wish I could be that outgoing."
Shizu is a fan of the VOYAKILOIDs. It's something like 'I'm glad I don't fail that much."

Oh, she has a small magic ability that lets her create coincidences. With at least three other magic-users, she can time travel.

Name: Shizu Sogone
Age: 18+
Character item: purple/violet cherry blossom
"sogone": "failure" sound
Gender: Female
Aliases: NONE
Model #: 13/14. 13 is unlucky in the West, 14 in the East. She tends to find luck when there is none.
Main description: Quiet, and shy, Shizu doesn't open up to people easily. However, she becomes a wild person when around people who she's comfortable with. She finds luck when others are unlucky. She has a tendency to idolize Gakupo and the VOYAKILIODs (and sometimes the "Fail UTAUloids").'(As Japanese is not her native language, she has a tendency to mix up meanings of kanji, or take the derivatives of them. It depends on which way she learned them. Thus, "sogo" of her surname is known as "failure" rather than "contradict". Not to mention that her voice source can't sing well.)'
Likes: Flower, dreaming, drinking (sometimes)
Dislikes: computer issues, being confused with "shih tzu" dogs, having her surname confused with the english words "so gone".

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Okay, so.

Life's being busy. Finals are coming up, and so are final projects.
Plus, I spend as much free time as I can trying to get Japanese re-installed.
I don't want to re-install XP. I don't want to need extra disks either.
This is going to take a lot longer than I thought it would.
Therefore, there probably won't be any UTAU changes for a little while.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Better ref pic.

This is about the best ref pic I'm going to do.

Yay! "Melt" is done... Now I've gotta get the mp3 of hers done... Bleh. Gotta get my computer back first...
This is why there is a lack of Japanese at the side...

I guess I can be partially glad that I don't have Japanese. If I did, I wouldn't have gotten this done.

Err, if I find the .ust for Bad Apple!!, I'll make her signature song into an english version/parody of that.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A few decisions...

I've had a lot of time lately...
But it is likely that Taer will replace the male version of Shizu, and Aroku will be a higher pitched version of Shizu. Thus, they will all still be "Sogone"s.

And there was a character personality decision too. I forgot the legal drinking age in Japan... But since Shizu is 18+, then she can drink all she likes dependent on how old she is at the time.
Err, a choice from a while back is that she can't hold a whole lot of alcohol...

Art choices:
Her hair isn't as straight anymore. It still is, but it gets a little wavy near the bottom. But if her ankles aren't shown, her hair still goes to her ankles, and there's no need to draw the ends.
Parts of her hair also now lay over her shoulders...
And her glasses are about the same... But thicker on the sides, and with a thinner top of the frames.
An uncolored version of "Melt" can be seen: Here
I'm not the best at drawing, or lettering...
Her purple is now a bit deeper. It's not as dull anymore.

EDIT: working on coloring Melt... But since the only good art program on this computer is GIMP, and I don't want to download more than what's already here... And GIMP seems to hate me. It freezes up a lot, and lags way more than it should. This may take a while... Plus I need Japanese on the computer... It doesn't seem to work... I just need to make the background now...Plus the background text...

And I can't seem to figure out how you put the "icon" in the "icon" pic box in UTAU. Like, I know how to get the "readme" file there, but what do I have to name the icon?
And how do I get the "sample" thing to work? I know some UTAUloids have the "sample" button play an actual sample rather than recorded notes that sound like crap when they're alone...
Bleh. When I get my computer back, I'm fixing it ASAP.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

So, it's annoying, but...

My computer crashed this week. Someone should be out to fix it later next week.
I didn't lose any files. That's good. I have a temp computer. That's good too.
This computer doesn't have Japanese, and needs a disk to install it. I don't have that disc. That's bad.

Therefore, I will work on art this weekend (Hopefully... We have a four day weekend...). I have cover images for her drawn already, but I lack a scanner and digital coloring skills... I have no idea how to use a desktop computer either... The one that crashed was a laptop, I hope to at least get backgrounds for the images in...
I got the pose of covers for Under the Darkness, Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder, Melt, and a few others that I need to find the UST for drawn... I really need to work on backgrounds...
Err, I can't seem to find a place to put a SB card... I guess I have to install something then? Augh.
I still don't know who "muno" is. No one seems to post links YT...

No new updates to Shizu's voice... :(
Also, for "ki", it sound like crap and I don't know why. When I was playing around with it, "ki down" works, "ki up" doesn't. "Ki down" still sounds weird, but it can do pitch changes...
And for "to", use "to up" it sound the same.
Still for "a", use "a_c"...

I guess she's in "beta" phase right now... I dunno.. I've never released anything like this before...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another Yay

I recently wrote a song for Shizu.
It's a parody of The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku.
But I want to find the ust for it first. I doubt I can get the notes right without it.
And a new project opened. Project PV will be the PV for this version.
but I can only work on it during school. :(

Err, I can't find the ust file. I'm going to keep looking, but no guarantee that I'll find it...
Bleh. I'll have to make the lyrics into another song...

All pitches of "ki" really suck and I don't know why.
A new version of the note will be "key" probably and will hopefully sound better. but I can't rerecord it until later...

Monday, January 11, 2010


My art programs don't work. I can't use the ones at school due to lack of time.
I probably will scrap my first idea for a banner. May just use a cover image for another song... Butterfly on Your Left Shoulder, Tokyo "2" Rock City, or Alice?
Fer now, it's just Shizu.

And I finally have ideas for a song that all three could sing. The Song of Sogone will be something like
"although I can't sing as well as others,
I hope to be accepted"
But as a parody of Hatsune Miku no Shoushitsu.
I dunno...
I want to find the .ust for that song first...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Just a note...

Don't use "a" or "ki".
Ki makes a dual robotic noise that I don't know how to get rid of, and "a" won't play.

If somemone knows how to fix this, please let me know.

EDIT; you can use "a_c" for "a'

EDIT again: i tried to go and rerecord things, and my computer is back in Japanese, but recording's not working right now...

Edit for the 3rd time;
"ni" has some odd dual sound to it too. Maybe it's because I'm using an existing ust? I dunno. Someone else can tweak this.

How to use Chinese.

Because my reclist is probably different that everyone else's...
I made a guide on how to use Chinese for Shizu.
It may help to know basic PinYin.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Another note.

Because I want to get the art stuff up soon, I have switched my computer back to English. However, it runs very slowly now. PDN still won't open. :(
Because of this, there will be no new updates to Shizu's voicebank until next week.

EDIT: Err, I'll be able to update her voicebank again once I change my computer back to Japanese. But that won't happen until I finish my YT quicklist... PDN won't open. No banner for a while.


I just finished the oto files.
She can now sing in Chinese. (I'll make a guide on how to use it for her later...)

If anyone finds any bad notes (cut off and sounds bad, microphone static, missing notes, etc), let me know. I'll fix it ASAP. But ASAP may be the soonest Friday.

Of course there are things I need to probably re-record and tweak a bit, but her languages are done.
An entire nine days of work. :D

Err, Shizu's concept art is planning to be redrawn.

Shizu may be part fail-loid, but it's only because I can't sing well at all.
If the voicer is, for the most part, tone-deaf, does that affect the voicee and make her partially tone deaf as well? Or is it okay because she's an UTAU?
None the less, she is a Sogone, her voicer can't sing, and she is half fail-loid (Mostly by design).

Friday, January 8, 2010

To anyone who ever uses Shizu.

Please don't use low notes. They sound terrible. Unless you can magically tweak it, don't attempt it.
Just a warning.

(1/9/10, got some of the oto files done. Exhausted. If anyone finds any bad notes (mic static, too loud, etc), let me know and I will fix it. I'm too lazy right now, and busy, to find them myself.)

Today in context.

Well, I began to voice for Chinese Pinyin. I have most of them down, but I still have to check for errors and stuff... And then make the oto files, and make aliases for the things in Hiragana...
Because my computer has to be in English to run Paint.NET, my only art program, and I have to restart my computer every time I change languages, and because I need it in Japanese to use UTAU or zip folders with hiragana, or stuff like that, I won't get the banner done for quite a while. If I can finish voicing and tweaking this weekend, she'll be up. And then I will go on hiatus working on a banner.

EDIT: it's 9:50 here. I just got back from a boring dinner. I also just finished voicing Chinese. Huzzah! But now to make the oto files and then make sure they sound okay.... There's some pitches in English I think i may have to redo too... Bleh. Ver 3 should be up by tonight or tomorrow.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I made a banner, but because PDN won't open, it won't be up until later this/next week.
It's a "don't say "lazy"" sort of pose. Y'know, with the four in the band with the blank background?
Yeah. Like that, but with an UTAUloid, two OCs, and a Human VOCALOID.

I haven't been able to work on UTAU today... I need to fix the voicebank before anything will be up...
But I get to start voicing Chinese tomorrow! :D

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

And thus, I am annoyed

A note I wrote today:
"Dear oto.ini files,
Please make yourselves.
With love, hugs, and kisses,

There are some things I really need to redo.
Somehow, "a" has become "to" and "to" isn't making a sound...
Bleh. I can't work on the actual vocals until Friday...
I really really want to voice the Chinese now...

There's no progress on a song... Bleh. The first sample will probably be "Melt". I'm too lazy to put together "Meltdown".
But for "Melt", all the "Rarara"s are now "lalala"s.
This is not only so that it sounds better, but to also show off her English.

In other news, I am working on a banner for this blog.
Which should it be? Fake box art for the three, Just Shizu (lots of poses) (it'll be a while before I get the other two even started), or the three in a bunch of different poses?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I am pleased to say that....

I can now compress files with pitches!
Lots of more sounds now. Of course I have to redo some of them, but thank god I saved the ones i did already!
Although the original pitches I did were in hiragana, this is what the "alias" box is for :D

I accidentally hit the "x" box to close the window instead of "OK". And thus, the oto files didn't save.

Smartest thing so far: Copying my files
Stupidest: Hitting "x" instead of "OK".

Monday, January 4, 2010


Things will be getting slow. School's back in and I can't do anything to the computers at school... It's not a great place for recording things either...
Anyways, I've been able to make a part of a reclist for Chinese. Yes, I plan on Shizu to be multilingual with Chinese, English, and Japanese.
If anyone happens to find really badly recorded notes that I missed, or things missing, let me know.
But I won't have time to voice Chinese until Friday. No guaranties that ver 3 will be up this weekend... I'll start on it though...

Because sometimes school is a good place for sparking ideas, and we have wifi, there's a chance that I may update this will random ideas so I don't forget.
Err, I actually designed Aroku during math one day this school year... Shizu was designed during the summer about a month after becoming interested in VOCALOID, and Taer was designed Dec. 19th, or at least his general outfit was designed that day...

In other news, I am planning for one last OC. She will be a "human VOCALOID" sort of OC. Yes, I will attempt to sing, and she will likely be a Sogone.

There hasn't been any progress on Shizu's song. What would it be called? For now I'm coining it "The song of Sogone", so all three can sing it. "Tsos" for short. It'll likely be about a minute long, and won't do super high or super low notes.
Pitches are being annoying. Hopefully, next time I have time, the arrows will save and be able to be compressed...

Sunday, January 3, 2010


After restarting my very slow computer twice, (It takes like two hours per shutdown... Unless I force it.. But it loses stuff that way), I have made Shizu's voicebank into Hiragana as well.

Updated some of the sounds so they sound better.
If you want to use an English "r" sound, make it "er" instead. This way, you can still use rests.

A sample of her voice will be uploaded soon.

EDIT: Just a warning right now, don't use high notes higher than c5-ish. Not for a little while...

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Since school's almost back in, I thought of something to work on while "taking notes" in class. (I have no time whatsoever to work on her voicebank during the school week.)
I need a signature song for Shizu.
I know a little piano, and a little violin. However, I don't have access to either of these.
i'll be thinking of a tune and lyrics in the meantime, and eventually get background music. I was really thinking about a parody song for her. Something like 'Melt" but having different lyrics, y'know?

Okay, so.

I found a reclist for english, and have voiced it already.
maybe it's cause my computer isn't japanese, but I can't save names in kana, or save higher pitches and such with the arrows...
For pitches, I'll go through and at tails instead of arrows... Hopefully, it will work. If not, then there aren't any pitch changes.

With some English:

Err, I'm currently playing around with UTAU and re-voicing the notes that sound weird...
Let me know if you find any.
Avoid using "su", "a", and "u", and a few others in romaji for a little while...
I'll have a redo of ver 2 up soon...

Friday, January 1, 2010

Going to redo parts of shizu's voice. I'm learning how to use oremo... I have no idea about oto files... And I hear oremo helps...
Parts will be redone. (hiragana, pitches in romaji, and maybe other languages.
I hope that I have time to work on this.

This is where things about UTAU start.

Version 1, which is certainly incomplete, can be downloaded here. (At side bar.)
It's romaji database is done, but my computer won't let me save file names in Japanese... Err, I'll fix it sometime soon...

Hopefully you can make my voice, through Shizu, sing better than I can. :P

I will begin working on a banner for this blog sometime tomorrow. Be warned, it'll be pretty crappy. Ehh, I'll have one within the next two months....


I voiced Shizu in Japanese. Voicebank is in both romaji and hiragana.
Ehh, I'll get a sample thing up sometime soon.

Range appears to be somewhere between c4 and c5.