Friday, January 8, 2010

Today in context.

Well, I began to voice for Chinese Pinyin. I have most of them down, but I still have to check for errors and stuff... And then make the oto files, and make aliases for the things in Hiragana...
Because my computer has to be in English to run Paint.NET, my only art program, and I have to restart my computer every time I change languages, and because I need it in Japanese to use UTAU or zip folders with hiragana, or stuff like that, I won't get the banner done for quite a while. If I can finish voicing and tweaking this weekend, she'll be up. And then I will go on hiatus working on a banner.

EDIT: it's 9:50 here. I just got back from a boring dinner. I also just finished voicing Chinese. Huzzah! But now to make the oto files and then make sure they sound okay.... There's some pitches in English I think i may have to redo too... Bleh. Ver 3 should be up by tonight or tomorrow.

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