Saturday, October 15, 2011

Shiny New Site.

Moving sites, because Wix can't handle kana and likes to make my computer lag, Google doesn't have a blog function, Tumblr I can't get used to and there aren't extra pages, and Blogger doesn't have an extra pages function without knowing coding which I don't and also I don't really like the layout.
So, I moved to Wordpress (With the exception of my blog, because that's just for random crap.) At least I get the blog, all of my UTAU VBs, a UST download page, etc...

Page links are in the top right corner.
Hopefully I'll get around to posting more, even though I'm pretty sure most of it will be about how lazy I am and how I need to get shit done. Or wait, that's what I use Twitter for. So, hopefully I'll just post a bit more there...;;