Monday, May 31, 2010

Okay, so regarding the REVAMP.

Oh, and my computer still seems to hate that headshot image for UTAU. So, it's still in the folder, it just doesn't show up.

EDIT 7/10: Psh. How late am I? Ill get Chinese and SOFT up soon.
EDIT 7/29: Testing VCVs. Recording more and more of Eng/SP/FR/+ bank. Korean need of oto's. Also, I'm making an actual site for Shizu (On a site called Wix), but this blog will still be for video dumps and updates. It'll have a better looking DLs page and stuff.

"REVAMP. Because "Append" is overused." and I'm rerecording everything, again. And only SOFT is really any form of an append/alternate voice material.

Here's how 5.o is gonna work. VBs will be downloadable, each for the following.

SOFT: A softer set of Japanese with parts of English. Meant for capability of singing more songs without failing. (done, released)
Japanese REVAMP: Redone Japanese pronounced in Japanese, same sounds as SOFT. It's a little clearer, a smaller file, and still has a bit of the accent. (done, released)
Chinese REVAMP: Chinese that doesn't need too much work. No more tails, (besides "u:"). (done, released)
English and Spanish NOW WITH FRENCH and possibly a few others REVAMP: Japanese pronounced as it is now, with more English and Spanish and now French sounds. The pronunciation will be the same as 4.1 (recording, oto'ing)
English Only VB: something like Trem's. (...)
Korean REVAMP: Finally will get the correct pronunciation. (Oto'ing)
VCV REVAMP: to redo at a later date. Will hopefully, might not, be louder, and easier to use. Will use the metronome. (oto'ing)

oh, and the current VB will still be up after this... Revamp is meant so she can hopefully sing more songs without failing completely. It's just alternate voice material.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rollin' Girl + Boxart.

Yay. Fake boxart. Someone wanna help with a lipSync model? I can't figure out how it's supposed to work... I have the art for it done, btw.

Rollin' Girl:
The YT description has my announcement;
"I'm in the process of reworking Shizu's VB entirely. Korean and Chinese will have their separate VBs. Japanese will be with English and Spanish, and then there will be SOFT Japanese. Korean will also finally have the correct pronunciation. Japanese will be pronounced as Japanese rather than the English pronunciation it has now. For now, I'm calling it "REVAMP". The accent will still be there. And I'm still working on an alternate design."

Friday, May 21, 2010

Shizu SOFT- Melt (+normal ver, not super high pitched)

I know Shizu has a Melt cover already. This is SOFT.
This is like an append. I'm not releasing this VB until I get the alternate design for Shizu done.
They won't go together, they'll just be released at the same time.

Anyways, I'm making an auto-soft VB for Shizu because she's not very good at a whole lot of songs, and the soft set should help her range vary... This is called Shizu SOFT until I get a better name. I've already figured out that SOFT isn't very good with fast songs. I've still a little configuring to do.

This SOFT will be less annoying that the SOFT of 4.1. Everything will be auto, but SOFT will be its own VB, Japanese with some English. SOFT pronounces Japanese in Japanese too.


Normal: (not the same as the first.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Preview. SMSoT
So, the title slide for the first part.
Not gonna be able to finish soon.


Btw, I think I update this too much. I dunno. Oh well.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Bout time I got something up.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More random.

This is Taer and Taera's new concept art. Huzzah.

BTW, almost done with the slides in Summer's Melancholy, but I still have to color them. I think I'm not gonna do a good job with cleanup of the little white specs. Oh, laziness.
Oh, and for each part of this, I'm going to try a slightly different art style.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Blah blah, more spam.

Not really, just another wall of text.

Anyways, I've recently found two people who are willing to give their voices to Aroku and Taer, two OCs I made a while ago for Shizu.
But, since they are both female, Taer will become Taera with Taer as her genderbend. Aroku will stay the same. So, I'm gonna change their surnames. None of them are technically the same. And I suppose that "sogone" doesn't always fit. In my own fanfic stuff, Taer/Taera doesn't have a last name. Although he later uses "Roji", it doesn't fit for UTAU.

I'm thinking about leaving Taer without a surname. Aro on he other hand will be some thing different. Not sure just what yet...
Yknow how Aroku is an alias? Well I'm not giving her real name just yet. But this means that her surname can be just about anything.

As far as Aro's surname goes, I'm thinking about and English word that I've always liked... Something like Silver, Chrome, or some sort of pun... no idea right now...
TBE, in a hurry.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

No I am not dead.

Well, this week's almost over, and I just need to survive tomorrow.
I haven't been very active lately... I guess I'm just really busy.
Anyways, I'll try to get something up tomorrow, nothing epic though. (jes Last Night, Good Night, since I have the image almost done and the song already synced)

Oh, as far as other projects go, I'm getting the hang of UST editing, messing with overlap and pre-utterance and all...

As far as Summer's Melancholy goes, I'm almost done with part 1.... is what I'd like to say.
I have lyrics and stuff. I have the song done and synced... I just need... slides. Y'know those random images that go in the middle of parts that don't really show plot and flash by really fast? Yeah. I'm in need of about six of those. Bleh. And I need a few more of random UTAUloids in the distance gossiping.
Part 1 will be called something unoriginal, for lack of a better title is is called "Chapter One". -_-"

AAAAAANNNDDD.... I finally decided CH Shizu and Shizuo's new names... I'll update the wikia tomorrow.
Shizuo (Genderbend) is now Heizen (cool/quiet).
and CH Shizu is now Anjing (Chinese for quiet.)

Oh, and I'm working on a chapter for a collab manga from the VOtaku forums. I've got half of the plot down... now to learn how to draw manga-styled... I'll try and get this done in a week or so.... I'll try, anyways.