Monday, July 12, 2010

Releases and stuff...

Alright, if I don't do this now, I'd totally forget about it and it would be bad.
If you didn't know, I gave Shizu's design an update (Although people should use UTAUloids based on voice alone...well...some people still don't). From that design, her hair now has a few light purple (subtle) streaks in it (Base color will probably always be white), and her pants will probably change a little within a few weeks/whenever I get back.

Anyways, I fixed her oto so she doesn't slur as much for her Japanese VB. If you're one of the eight or nine people who DL'd this bank, the redone oto is here:
A'ight, so Aline also redid the oto, and her oto skills are like a million times better than mine.
*does hope that Aline doesn't mind sticking that link here*

Her SOFT Append/alternate voice material is also released. I already checked the oto, and I've tested the bank a few times.

And also her Chinese bank is released. I hope it's easier to use than last time, and it's a different bank so that you don't need to DL it if you don't need/want her Chinese. There are no more tails, btw. I haven't tested much of this one (/doesn'tknowmanyChinesesongs), so please let me know if something's wrong.

They still have the picture problem, as my computer just hates me that much. Just add ".bmp" or whatever the extension was into the character.txt and it should work...

All of her voicebanks are encoded in romaji, with hiragana aliases, except her VCV bank. I've got to test that one a bit more before I release it... Oh, and I'm adding a ton of French syllables to her English/Spanish bank so hopefully I can get her past the "More than 5 Languages" stage. (Something I wanted to do for a while... :v I'll stop there unless she can already sing in languages I'm unaware of. ><")
I've still got a lot to do with that VB... And I may make an English standalone bank... No idea right now...

Well, see you guys around the 25th~ (/vacation)
Thanks for using Shizu~

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