Saturday, February 27, 2010

So, the next version. 3.2

I fixed most of the romaji, added tri/diphonic things, and added Korean (sorta). I also fixed most of the oto.ini, and you shouldn't need to use what I didn't fix.
I also added a few more notes.
Korean is there, but it will probably need a bit of tweaking and mixing with her Japanese and Chinese. I'll fix it as soon as I begin to learn Korean from a friend.
Chinese has a tail of "_c" still.

The only thing that I couldn't get to work was her picture in UTAU. Seriously. I tried updating it, and it didn't work. "Bad picture" is what appeared. Yes, I checked the name and folders of the stuff. Yes, I tried different picture types (jpg, bmp, gif). Ehh, I'll figure it out soon. I hope.

Random stuff tends to pop up with the oto.ini thing. Be careful with some notes. I don't recommend using romaji for "kya". Hiragana works fine with that. Working on fixing it.

I'll make it with different parts too, later on.
Please let me know if I need to fix anything.
EDIT: Please be warned when you use a UST that uses "z" for a rest. There is something with "z", and she will say "Z". This shouldn't happen with "x" though.

A tri/di phonic stuff test:

In other news, this blog is no longer called "Sogone Project", it will be re-called that once I persuade someone I know to lend their voice for an UTAUloid. Once there's one more, anyways. Ehh, it'll be just a romaji/hiragana voicebank, though.

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